Showing 1 - 2 results of 2 for search '"Museums"', query time: 0.11s Refine Results
Imprint 2005
Participants: Jasper Johns, John Chamberlain, Willem de Kooning, Barnett Newman, Ivan Karp, Calvin Tomkins, Larry Poons, James Rosenquist, Jonas Mekas, George Lois, David Hockney, Mark Di Suvero, Ellsworth Kelly, Richard Bellamy, Francesco Clemente, Franz Kline, Hilton Kramer, Robert Rauschenberg, Frank Stella.
Subjects: ...Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)...

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Imprint 2010
Participants: Commentators, Greg Corrigan, Scott Thomas, Chad Kouri, Dennis Ichiyama, Jim Van Lanen, Paul F. Gehl, Jim and Bill Moran, Stacey Stern, Norb Brylski, Bernice Schwahert, Mardell Doubek, Lloyd Dickenshied, Alex Fuller.
Subjects: ...Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum (Two Rivers, Wis.)...

Request from another library (InterLibrary Loan)