APA সাইটেশন

Clark, A. (1995). The struggle for the breeches gender and the making of the British working class: Gender and the making of the British working class. Berkeley: University of California Press.

শিকাগো স্টাইলে সাইটেশন

Clark, Anna. The Struggle for the Breeches Gender and the Making of the British Working Class: Gender and the Making of the British Working Class. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.

এমএলএ সাইটেশন

Clark, Anna. The Struggle for the Breeches Gender and the Making of the British Working Class: Gender and the Making of the British Working Class. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.

সতর্কবাণী: সাইটেশন সবসময় 100% নির্ভুল হতে পারে না.