History 153 Politics and government 135 Foreign relations 101 Economic conditions 74 Social conditions 55 International relations 53 Motion pictures 52 History and criticism 40 Relations 39 Women 34 Economic policy 32 Social aspects 25 Chinese reunification question, 1949- 23 Diplomatic relations 22 Nationalism 21 Womyn 21 Political aspects 20 Chinese literature 19 Democracy 19 Social life and customs 18 Chinese fiction 17 Families 17 Religion 17 Strategic aspects 16 Democratization 14 Foreign economic relations 14 Civilization 12 Elections 12 Employment 12 Ethnology 12 Manners and customs 12 National security 12 Buddhism 11 Colonies 11 Emigration and immigration 11 Feminism 11 Military policy 11 Presidents 11 Presidents' spouses 11 Taiwan aborigines 11 Description and travel 10 Political activity 10 Art, Chinese 9 Criticism and interpretation 9 Industrial policy 9 Law and legislation 9 Economic history 8 Ethnicity 8 Industries 8 Motion picture producers and directors 8 Armed Forces 7 Chinese poetry 7 Ethnic relations 7 Family relationships 7 Intellectual life 7 International economic relations 7 Japanese influences 7 Motion picture industry 7 National characteristics, Taiwan 7 Painting 7 Painting, Chinese 7 Political parties 7 Taiwanese Americans 7 Art 6 Chinese 6 City and town life 6 Economic aspects 6 Ethnic identity 6 Group identity 6 Music 6 Political culture 6 Popular culture 6 Psychological aspects 6 Religious aspects 6 Sex role 6 Social change 6 Women's movement 6 Youth 6 Baseball 5 Education 5 Literature and society 5 Marriage 5 Military assistance, American 5 Political participation 5 Population 5 Protest movements 5 Taiwan 5 Working class 5 Agriculture 4 Arms transfers 4 Attitudes 4 Baseball players 4 Buddhist nuns 4 China 4 Cold War 4 Defenses 4 Entrepreneurship 4 Exhibitions 4 General 4 Government policy 4