History 236 History and criticism 60 Social conditions 59 Politics and government 52 Histoire 49 Social aspects 38 French-Canadian literature 32 Education 30 Périodiques 30 Economic conditions 21 Intellectual life 19 Nationalism 19 Periodicals 19 General 17 Immigrants 17 Political aspects 17 Regional planning 16 Social change 16 Social life and customs 16 Criticism and interpretation 15 Government policy 15 Teachers 14 Women 14 Management 13 Study and teaching 13 Autonomy and independence movements 12 Civilization 12 Economic history 12 Federal government 12 Indians of North America 12 Motion pictures 12 Multiculturalism 12 Practice 12 Research 12 Cultural pluralism 11 Economic aspects 11 Economics 11 French-Canadian fiction 11 Philosophy 11 Services for 11 Training of 11 Droit 10 English-French relations 10 French-Canadians 10 Historiography 10 Sociological aspects 10 Ethnic relations 9 Jews 9 Legal status, laws, etc 9 Politique et gouvernement 9 Theater 9 Administration 8 Art 8 Cultural assimilation 8 Education, Higher 8 Ethnic identity 8 Éducation 8 French language 8 In literature 8 Journalism 8 Law 8 Law and legislation 8 Politicians 8 Technological innovations 8 Canadians, English-speaking 7 Church history 7 Communication 7 Conditions sociales 7 Economic policy 7 Emigration and immigration 7 Histoire et critique 7 Industrial relations 7 Literature 7 Older people 7 Political science 7 Public opinion 7 Recherche 7 Social policy 7 Teaching 7 Vocational guidance 7 Attitudes 6 Authors, French-Canadian 6 Canadians, French-speaking 6 Children 6 Cities and towns 6 Community development 6 Community organization 6 Entrepreneurship 6 Foreign relations 6 Indians 6 Laicism 6 Land use 6 Languages 6 Local government 6 Politique gouvernementale 6 Popular culture 6 Prevention 6 Regional economics 6 Rehabilitation 6 Relations 6