History 389
Indians of South America 222
Antiquities 160
Politics and government 154
Social conditions 132
Incas 126
Economic conditions 89
Women 85
Womyn 72
Social life and customs 60
History and criticism 43
Social aspects 42
Description and travel 35
Excavations (Archaeology) 34
Quechua Indians 34
Religion 29
Colonies 27
Rites and ceremonies 27
Political activity 26
Economic history 25
Economic policy 25
Indian art 25
Civilization 24
Peasants 23
Political aspects 23
Missions 22
Historiography 20
Peruvian literature 20
Government relations 19
Manners and customs 19
Mochica Indians 17
Administration 16
Colonization 16
Foreign relations 16
Legal status, laws, etc 16
Feminism 14
Land tenure 14
Music 14
Discovery and exploration 13
Economic aspects 13
Ethnic relations 13
Folk music 13
Indian textile fabrics 13
Church history 12
Commerce 12
Gender roles 12
Indian pottery 12
Indians of Mexico 12
Intellectual life 12
Medicine 12
Quechua language 12
Sex role 12
Women's movement 12
Women's rights 12
Education 11
Ethnic identity 11
Indians, Treatment of 11
Languages 11
Legends 11
Political violence 11
Religious aspects 11
Slavery 11
Spanish colonies 11
Agriculture 10
Democracy 10
Ethnology 10
Human rights 10
International relations 10
Mochica pottery 10
Political participation 10
Spanish language 10
Writing 10
Catholic Church 9
Civil rights 9
Ethnicity 9
Government policy 9
Indian women 9
Kings and rulers 9
Mestizos 9
Mochica art 9
Religious life and customs 9
Rural conditions 9
Social policy 9
Themes, motives 9
Art collections 8
Art museums 8
Birds 8
Boundaries 8
Discoveries in geography 8
Emigration and immigration 8
First contact with other peoples 8
Funeral customs and rites 8
Haciendas 8
Huari Indians 8
Indigenous peoples 8
Land reform 8
Law 8
Law and legislation 8
Political parties 8
Psychological aspects 8