History 846 Social conditions 145 African Americans 120 Politics and government 115 Race relations 86 Social life and customs 80 Social aspects 74 Economic conditions 70 Indians of North America 58 Description and travel 47 Society of Friends 42 Manners and customs 36 Art 35 Education 35 Architecture 32 Urban renewal 32 Quakers 31 Buildings, structures, etc 29 Coal miners 29 Women 29 City planning 28 Ethnic relations 28 Labor unions 27 Working class 26 Labor movement 25 Church history 24 Economic history 24 Homes and haunts 24 Law 24 Criticism and interpretation 22 Antiquities 21 Iron and steel workers 21 Pennsylvania Dutch 21 Economic aspects 20 Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863 20 Historic buildings 20 Industries 20 Private collections 20 Steel industry and trade 20 Coal mines and mining 19 Geology 19 Immigrants 19 Law and legislation 19 Law reviews 19 Religious aspects 19 Civil rights 18 History and criticism 18 Political aspects 18 African American women 17 Art, American 16 Emigration and immigration 16 Government policy 16 Jews 16 Prisoners 16 Theater 16 Art collections 15 Art museums 15 Cultural assimilation 15 Ethnic identity 15 Intellectual life 15 Medical care 15 Painting 15 Religion 15 Antislavery movements 14 Historic sites 14 Iroquois Indians 14 Moravians 14 Architecture, Domestic 13 Employment 13 Families 13 Finance 13 Frontier and pioneer life 13 Slavery 13 Strikes and lockouts 13 Urbanization 13 Community development 12 Droit 12 Medicine 12 Railroads 12 Yellow fever 12 Elections 11 Exhibitions 11 German Americans 11 Memory 11 Music 11 Pioneers 11 Prisons 11 Taxation 11 history 11 Accidents 10 Biography 10 City and town life 10 Civilization 10 Folklore 10 Free African Americans 10 Housing 10 Printing 10 Travel 10 Violence 10 Womyn 10