History 370 African Americans 109 Politics and government 88 Race relations 74 Social conditions 66 Description and travel 39 Social life and customs 36 Indians of North America 35 Economic conditions 33 Social aspects 31 Civil rights 27 Education 22 Manners and customs 21 Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) 17 Slavery 17 Enslaved persons 16 Racism 16 Cherokee Indians 15 Political aspects 15 African American women 14 Law 14 Legislators 13 Antiquities 11 Environmental conditions 11 Families 11 History and criticism 11 Architecture 10 Economic history 10 Legal status, laws, etc 10 Lumbee Indians 10 Natural history 10 Political activity 10 Political culture 10 Soldiers 10 Art 9 Employees 9 Government policy 9 Industries 9 Public schools 9 Women 9 Art museums 8 Emigration and immigration 8 Law and legislation 8 Murder 8 Political participation 8 Religious aspects 8 Segregation 8 Segregation in education 8 Social classes 8 Suffrage 8 Art collections 7 Boundaries 7 Church history 7 Civil rights movements 7 Civil rights workers 7 Economic aspects 7 Elections 7 Excavations (Archaeology) 7 Fugitive slaves 7 Geology 7 HISTORY / United States / State & Local / South (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV) 7 Hispanic Americans 7 Law reviews 7 Lynching 7 Plantation life 7 Riots 7 School integration 7 White people 7 Algonquian Indians 6 American literature 6 Biography 6 Criticism and interpretation 6 First contact with other peoples 6 Folk songs, English 6 Folklore 6 Moravians 6 Power (Social sciences) 6 Prisoners of war 6 Rural conditions 6 Social change 6 Tales 6 Taxation 6 Tobacco farmers 6 Travel 6 Arts 5 Barrier islands 5 Black power 5 Botany 5 Christianity 5 City planning 5 Economic policy 5 Educational equalization 5 Governors 5 Groundwater 5 Histoire 5 Historic sites 5 Homes and haunts 5 Human ecology 5 Influence 5 Journalists 5