History 316
Social conditions 112
African Americans 63
Economic conditions 58
Indians of North America 56
Race relations 52
Ethnic relations 49
Social life and customs 46
Politics and government 45
Immigrants 42
Antiquities 35
Geology 27
Economic history 24
Social aspects 23
Art 22
Manners and customs 21
Urban renewal 20
Law and legislation 19
Private collections 19
Law reviews 17
Education 16
Ojibwa Indians 16
Racism 16
Civil rights 15
Description and travel 15
Art museums 13
Automobile industry and trade 13
Frontier and pioneer life 13
Law 13
In literature 12
Labor unions 12
Political activity 12
Working class 12
Art collections 11
Natural history 11
Architecture 10
Droit 10
Emigration and immigration 10
Environmental conditions 10
Geology, Stratigraphic 10
Automobile industry workers 9
Buildings, structures, etc 9
Ottawa Indians 9
Riots 9
Study and teaching 9
Admission 8
American literature 8
Arab Americans 8
Criticism and interpretation 8
Cultural assimilation 8
Employment 8
Ethnic identity 8
Labor movement 8
Legal status, laws, etc 8
Painting 8
Periodicals 8
Race riots 8
Trials, litigation, etc 8
Universities and colleges 8
Women 8
Chinese Americans 7
Environmental justice 7
Exhibitions 7
Finance 7
Housing 7
Municipal law 7
Muslims 7
African American women 6
Agriculture 6
Architecture, Domestic 6
Buildings 6
Cities and towns 6
City planning 6
Civil rights movements 6
Community development 6
Community life 6
Histoire 6
History and criticism 6
Legislators 6
Political participation 6
Religious aspects 6
Social classes 6
Technology 6
Art, American 5
Artists' books 5
Botany 5
Chinese American women 5
Christianity 5
Citizen participation 5
Copper mines and mining 5
Country life 5
Drawing 5
Employees 5
Environmental aspects 5
Finnish Americans 5
Forests and forestry 5
Homes and haunts 5
Jews 5
Land tenure 5
Management 5