History 6,210 Politics and government 1,680 History and criticism 1,190 World War, 1939-1945 984 Jews 806 German literature 741 Social conditions 682 Intellectual life 629 Foreign relations 606 National socialism 604 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 478 Ethnic relations 451 International relations 445 Civilization 371 Social aspects 342 Economic conditions 311 Criticism and interpretation 299 World War, 1914-1918 297 Romanticism 279 Political aspects 277 Influence 272 Historiography 265 Motion pictures 256 Antisemitism 252 Relations 252 Social life and customs 241 Music 238 Philosophy 222 Women 215 Emigration and immigration 207 Nationalism 207 Church history 201 Art 199 Authors, German 194 Architecture 176 Reformation 174 Art, German 160 Germans 154 Law and legislation 153 Womyn 153 Public opinion 152 Manners and customs 151 National characteristics, German 148 Theater 146 German language 142 Government policy 139 Education 137 Atrocities 135 Political culture 133 Composers 131 Causes 124 Economic policy 124 Judaism 119 Political and social views 114 Collective memory 113 Psychological aspects 112 Political activity 110 Campaigns 109 German 109 Colonies 107 Persecutions 106 Description and travel 104 Enlightenment 102 Anti-Nazi movement 101 Artists 101 Religious aspects 101 Biography 99 Diplomatic relations 99 Philosophers 99 Immigrants 96 Nazis 95 Painting 94 Buildings, structures, etc 92 Moral and ethical aspects 92 Study and teaching 92 Church and state 91 Economic aspects 90 In literature 89 Reconstruction (1939-1951) 89 Refugees 88 Appreciation 87 Socialism 87 Expressionism (Art) 86 Homes and haunts 86 Holocaust survivors 84 Criticism 83 Philosophy, German 81 Popular culture 81 Identity 80 Fairy tales 78 Artists' books 75 Histoire 75 German fiction 73 Religion 72 Jewish refugees 71 Cultural assimilation 70 Literature and society 70 Psychology 70 Armed Forces 67 Prisoners of war 67