History 272 Social conditions 67 Indians of North America 65 African Americans 59 Politics and government 50 Antiquities 46 Race relations 43 Cuban Americans 31 Description and travel 26 Economic conditions 25 Social life and customs 24 Civil rights 23 Seminole Indians 23 Discovery and exploration 20 Excavations (Archaeology) 20 Contested elections 19 Presidents 18 Environmental conditions 17 Spanish 17 Election 16 Ethnic relations 16 Immigrants 16 Emigration and immigration 15 Law reviews 15 Architecture 14 Cubans 13 Natural history 13 Social aspects 13 Discoveries in geography 12 Restoration ecology 12 Trials, litigation, etc 12 Fugitive slaves 11 History and criticism 11 Manners and customs 11 Travel 11 Veterans 11 Art 10 Slavery 10 Art museums 9 Buildings, structures, etc 9 Ethnic identity 9 Hispanic Americans 9 Political aspects 9 Religion 9 Services for 9 African American women 8 City planning 8 Colonies 8 Droit 8 Management 8 Political activity 8 Racism 8 Wetland restoration 8 Art collections 7 Botany 7 Civil rights movements 7 Disaster relief 7 Drug traffic 7 Ecosystem management 7 Enslaved persons 7 First contact with other peoples 7 Foreign relations 7 Frontier and pioneer life 7 Geology 7 Hurricane Andrew, 1992 7 Law 7 Missions, Spanish 7 Music 7 Painting 7 Research 7 Shipwrecks 7 Spaniards 7 Water quality management 7 Water-supply 7 Anthropometry 6 Economic history 6 Education 6 Environmental aspects 6 Exiles 6 Government policy 6 Government relations 6 Homes and haunts 6 Housing 6 Land use 6 Law and legislation 6 Lynching 6 Minorities 6 Missions 6 Murder 6 Prisoners of war 6 Private collections 6 Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) 6 Teachers 6 Vodou 6 Women 6 Authors, American 5 Birds 5 Commerce 5 Criticism and interpretation 5 Employment 5