History 410 Social conditions 160 African Americans 143 Race relations 91 Politics and government 72 Architecture 62 Social aspects 57 Buildings, structures, etc 55 History and criticism 53 Intellectual life 37 Art 31 City planning 31 Social life and customs 30 Economic conditions 28 Emigration and immigration 27 Immigrants 26 Political activity 23 Civil rights 22 Working class 22 American literature 21 Urban renewal 21 Education 19 Labor movement 19 Political aspects 19 Women 19 Gangs 18 Jews 18 Police 17 Ethnic relations 16 Labor unions 16 Art collections 15 Art museums 15 Ethnic identity 15 Public housing 15 Art, American 14 Blues (Music) 14 Buildings 14 Mexican Americans 14 Murder 14 Painting 14 Blues musicians 13 Crime 13 Criminals 13 Criticism and interpretation 13 Families 13 Housing 13 Music 13 Race identity 13 Skyscrapers 13 Sociology, Urban 13 African American authors 12 Authors, American 12 Civil rights movements 12 Educational change 12 Hispanic Americans 12 Organized crime 12 Private collections 12 Public opinion 12 Social reformers 12 African American women 11 Architecture and society 11 Attitudes 11 Community organization 11 Haymarket Square Riot, Chicago, Ill., 1886 11 Inner cities 11 Jazz 11 Mexicans 11 Minorities 11 Puerto Ricans 11 Riots 11 Discrimination in housing 10 Exhibitions 10 Migrations 10 Political participation 10 Public schools 10 Womyn 10 Arts and society 9 City and town life 9 Community life 9 Cultural assimilation 9 Education, Urban 9 Elections 9 Family 9 Government policy 9 In literature 9 Labor 9 Progressivism (United States politics) 9 Religious aspects 9 Urban policy 9 White people 9 Women social reformers 9 Decoration and ornament, Architectural 8 Manners and customs 8 Mayors 8 Neighborhoods 8 Social settlements 8 Theater 8 African American arts 7 African American men 7 African American musicians 7