United States 93
Great Britain 58
Rome 29
Rome (Empire) 29
Europe 26
France 25
China 21
Greece 20
Germany 14
Middle East 12
Canada 10
Israel 9
Spain 9
England 8
Iraq 7
Japan 7
Kentucky 7
Soviet Union 7
Africa 6
États-Unis 6
South Africa 6
Turkey 6
Austria 5
Colombia 5
Italy 5
Mediterranean Region 5
Scotland 5
Sparta (Extinct city) 5
India 4
Ireland 4
Mexico 4
Russia (Federation) 4
Afghanistan 3
Angola 3
Byzantine Empire 3
California 3
Chile 3
Chine 3
Confederate States of America 3
Crécy-en-Ponthieu 3
Eastern Europe 3
Europe, Eastern 3
Hungary 3
Iran 3
Korea 3
Netherlands 3
New York (State) 3
Palestine 3
Philippines 3
Russia 3
Ukraine 3
Vietnam 3
Africa, Southern 2
Agincourt 2
Allemagne 2
America 2
Appalachian Region, Southern 2
Athens 2
Athens (Greece) 2
Australia 2
Balkan Peninsula 2
Belgium 2
Bolivia 2
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2
Castile 2
Castile (Spain) 2
Cuba 2
Egypt 2
Georgia 2
Hong Kong 2
Hong Kong (China) 2
Jerusalem 2
Luzon 2
Luzon (Philippines) 2
Mongolia 2
Namibia 2
New England 2
North America 2
Nova Scotia 2
Ontario 2
Peru 2
Sicily 2
Sicily (Italy) 2
South China Sea 2
South Holland 2
Southern Africa 2
Southern Appalachian Region 2
Taiwan 2
Taiwan Strait 2
Toronto 2
Toronto (Ont.) 2
Wales 2
West (U.S.) 2
West United States 2
Western Front 2
Africa, French-speaking West 1
Afrique 1
Afrique du Sud 1
Ager Gallicus 1
Alaska 1