Early works to 1800 2,728 Broadsides 1,436 Catalogs 240 Poetry 181 History 179 Sources 158 Ballads 117 Biography 102 Biographies 95 Electronic books 81 Fiction 81 Advertising fliers 80 Borders (Type evidence) 79 Drama 72 Exhibition catalogs 69 Exhibitions 68 Printers' devices (Printing) 68 Criticism, interpretation, etc 51 Controversial literature 50 Registers 45 Sermons 42 Feature films 41 Trials, litigation, etc 38 Pastoral letters and charges 37 Video recordings for the hearing impaired 34 Statistics 29 Humor 27 Bibliography 23 Statistics, Vital 23 Case studies 22 Autobiographies 21 Almanacs 19 Periodicals 18 Title pages 18 Video recordings 18 Booksellers' advertisements 17 Newspapers 16 Tables 16 Bibliographies 15 Anecdotes 14 Electronic journals 14 Prayers and devotions 14 Correspondence 13 Texts 13 Broadside poems 12 Directories 12 Fiction films 12 Illustrated works 12 Advertisements 11 Diaries 11 Novels 11 Personal correspondence 11 Pictorial works 11 Specimens 11 Apologetic works 10 Charters, grants, privileges 10 Congresses 10 Portraits 10 Comedy films 9 Film adaptations 9 Guidebooks 9 Personal narratives 9 Prayers 9 Art 8 Book auction catalogs 8 Devotional literature 8 Dictionaries 8 In art 8 Personal narratives, British 8 Songs and music 8 Speeches 8 Thrillers (Motion pictures) 8 British 7 Letters 7 Paraphrases, English 7 Reviews 7 Booksellers' catalogs 6 Conference papers and proceedings 6 Ephemerides 6 Proclamations 6 Architectural drawings 5 Designs and plans 5 Documentary films 5 Electronic book 5 Historical fiction 5 Illustrations 5 Liturgical books 5 Annotations (Provenance) 4 Cases 4 Glossaries, vocabularies, etc 4 Horror films 4 Juvenile fiction 4 Maps 4 Musical films 4 Périodiques 4 Pictures 4 Poems 4 Questions and answers 4 Trial and arbitral proceedings 4 Adaptations 3