Biography 191 History 168 Electronic books 141 Biographies 125 Case studies 78 Periodicals 72 Exhibition catalogs 59 Exhibitions 58 Catalogs 56 Newspapers 30 Autobiographies 27 Guidebooks 27 Pictorial works 27 Fiction 24 Drama 23 Video recordings for the hearing impaired 20 Criticism, interpretation, etc 18 Law reviews 18 Video recordings 18 Sources 17 Feature films 15 Illustrated works 15 Electronic journals 13 Correspondence 12 Documentary films 12 Anecdotes 11 Personal narratives 11 Périodique électronique (Descripteur de forme) 11 Ressource Internet (Descripteur de forme) 11 Bibliographies 10 Bibliography 10 Périodiques 10 Electronic book 7 Interviews 7 Personal correspondence 7 Identification 6 Poetry 6 Conference papers and proceedings 5 Sound recordings 5 Statistics 5 autobiographies (literary genre) 5 Autobiography 4 Church history 4 Directories 4 Documentary television programs 4 Periodical 4 Trials, litigation, etc 4 collective biographies 4 Academic theses 3 African American newspapers 3 Architectural drawings 3 Artists' books 3 Biographical films 3 Designs and plans 3 Diaries 3 Fiction films 3 Gangster films 3 Nonfiction television programs 3 Novels 3 Romantic comedy films 3 Thrillers (Motion pictures) 3 Trial and arbitral proceedings 3 Archives 2 Bildungsromans 2 Blues (Music) 2 Computer network resources 2 Dance orchestra music 2 Dictionaries 2 Didactic fiction 2 Domestic fiction 2 Encyclopedias 2 Festschriften 2 Field guides 2 Geography 2 Guides 2 Historical fiction 2 Illinois 2 Jazz 2 Local history 2 Maps 2 Nonfiction films 2 Personal Narrative 2 Photography, Artistic 2 Portraits 2 Psychological fiction 2 Registers 2 Registers (Lists) 2 Specimens 2 Television comedies 2 autobiographies (literary works) 2 poetry 2 Alternative publications 1 Art 1 Art and the war 1 Bildungsromane 1 Bio-bibliography 1 Black humor (Literature) 1 Case Reports 1 Cases 1 Catalogues raisonnés 1