To 146 B.C. 563 To 146 B.C 321 To 1500 307 Peloponnesian War, 431-404 B.C. 148 To 500 111 20th century 103 Peloponnesian War, 431-404 B.C 87 Macedonian Expansion, 359-323 B.C. 84 356 B.C.-323 B.C. 75 19th century 58 146 B.C.-323 A.D. 47 Macedonian Expansion, 359-323 B.C 46 Macedonian Hegemony, 323-281 B.C. 44 21st century 37 Athenian supremacy, 479-431 B.C. 33 146 B.C.-323 A.D 32 Persian Wars, 500-449 B.C. 32 Spartan and Theban Supremacies, 404-362 B.C. 30 Macedonian Hegemony, 323-281 B.C 26 War of Independence, 1821-1829 26 Civil War, 1944-1949 24 1935-1967 23 1974- 23 281-146 B.C. 23 Athenian supremacy, 479-431 B.C 23 Early works to 1800 22 1821- 21 To 476 20 1900-1999 19 Occupation, 1941-1944 19 Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600 19 281-146 B.C 18 Republic, 510-30 B.C. 18 Spartan and Theban Supremacies, 404-362 B.C 18 1974-2009 17 382 B.C.-336 B.C. 17 Persian Wars, 500-449 B.C 17 1967-1974 16 Diadochi, 323-276 B.C. 15 18th century 14 431-404 B.C 14 Geometric period, ca. 900-700 B.C. 14 323-1453 13 1453-1821 12 Thirty Tyrants, 404-403 B.C. 12 To 168 B.C. 12 1788-1824 11 Empire, 30 B.C.-476 A.D. 11 approximately 495 B.C.-429 B.C. 11 2000-2099 10 Expedition of Cyrus, 401 B.C. 10 Geometric period, ca. 900-700 B.C 10 431-404 B.C. 9 Empire, 30 B.C.-476 A.D 9 Jusqu'à 146 av. J.-C. 9 Republic, 510-30 B.C 9 1800-1899 8 1822-1890 8 1917-1944 8 356-323 B.C. 8 Early church, ca. 30-600 8 To 640 8 active approximately 150-175 8 30-600 7 Post-exilic period, 586 B.C.-210 A.D. 7 approximately 423 B.C.-401 B.C. 7 17th century 6 1851-1941 6 1864-1936 6 1906-1975 6 1917-1935 6 1918-1974 6 265-30 B.C. 6 Expedition of Cyrus, 401 B.C 6 Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918 6 To 221 B.C. 6 To 600 6 To 622 6 To 67 B.C. 6 approximately 630 B.C.-approximately 560 B.C. 6 1939-1945 5 359-323 B.C 5 510-30 B.C. 5 Age of Tyrants, 7th-6th centuries B.C. 5 To 332 B.C. 5 Venetian rule, 1204-1669 5 1564-1616 4 15th century 4 1792-1822 4 1800-1999 4 1935- 4 431-404 av. J.-C. (Guerre du Péloponnèse) 4 586 B.C.-70 A.D. 4 Republic, 265-30 B.C. 4 Since 1900 4 active 2nd century-3rd century 4 approximately 524 B.C.-approximately 459 B.C. 4 1541?-1614 3 16th century 3 1809-1892 3