Beren Family Jewish Studies Library Fund (Wellesley College Library) 82
Ann & Jean Burnstine Book Fund for Jewish Studies (Wellesley College Library) 44
Criterion Collection (Firm) 34
Janus Films 23
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 23
SpringerLink (Online service) 17
Doris F. Condon Library Fund (Wellesley College Library) 16
Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 14
Warner Home Video (Firm) 14
Levi, Primo, 1919-1987 12
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc 11
American Council on Public Affairs 10
Stalin, Joseph, 1878-1953 10
Vercors, 1902-1991 9
Bauer, Yehuda 8
Bernardi, Daniel, 1964- 8
Germany. Auswärtiges Amt 8
Gross, Jan Tomasz 8
Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945 8
Litoff, Judy Barrett 8
Lukacs, John, 1924-2019 8
Moskovskai͡a kinostudii͡a "Mosfilʹm." 8
Rossellini, Roberto, 1906-1977 8
Gaulle, Charles de, 1890-1970 7
Kimball, Warren F. 7
Library of Congress. Division of Bibliography 7
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 7
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration 7
Wieviorka, Olivier, 1960- 7
Zuccotti, Susan, 1940- 7
A & E Home Video (Firm) 6
Arts and Entertainment Network 6
Bogart, Humphrey, 1899-1957 6
Breitman, Richard, 1947- 6
Eade, Charles, 1903-1964 6
First-Run Features (Firm) 6
German Library of Information (New York, N.Y.) 6
Hastings, Max 6
Hersey, John, 1914-1993 6
Image Entertainment (Firm) 6
MGM Home Entertainment Inc 6
Megargee, Geoffrey P., 1959- 6
New Video Group 6
Powell, Michael, 1905-1990 6
Pressburger, Emeric, 1902-1988 6
Reynolds, David, 1952- 6
Robinson, Greg, 1966- 6
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 1882-1945 6
Shōchiku Kabushiki Kaisha 6
Smith, David C. 1929-2009 6
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation 6
United States. Department of State 6
United States. Office of War Information 6
Wajda, Andrzej, 1926-2016 6
Weinberg, Gerhard L. 6
White, William Lindsay, 1900-1973 6
Women Make Movies (Firm) 6
World Peace Foundation 6
Wouk, Herman, 1915-2019 6
Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen 6
Ambrose, Stephen E. 5
American Historical Association. Historical Service Board 5
American Institute of Pacific Relations 5
Arad, Yitzhak, 1926-2021 5
Aubrac, Lucie, 1912-2007 5
Bell, P. M. H. 1930- 5
Bourke-White, Margaret, 1904-1971 5
Camus, Albert, 1913-1960 5
Chiang, May-ling Soong, 1897-2003 5
Columbia Pictures 5
Council of Foreign Ministers 5
Daniels, Roger 5
Dower, John W. 5
Feis, Herbert, 1893-1972 5
Fritz, Stephen G., 1949- 5
Fry, Helen, 1967- 5
Great Britain. Committee on the Preservation and Restitution of Works of Art, Archives, and Other Material in Enemy Hands 5
Harrison, Mark, 1949- 5
Harshav, Barbara, 1940- 5
Henrey, Robert, Mrs., 1906-2004 5
Henry, Patrick 5
Herf, Jeffrey, 1947- 5
Hirabayashi, Lane Ryo 5
History Channel (Television network) 5
Ingersoll, Ralph, 1900-1985 5
Krause & Schneider Multimedia 5
Laski, Harold J. 1893-1950 5
Lukas, Richard C., 1937- 5
Michel, Henri, 1907-1986 5
Miramax Films 5
Némirovsky, Irène, 1903-1942 5
Okihiro, Gary Y., 1945- 5
Oliner, Pearl M. 5
Overy, R. J. 5
Poyer, Lin, 1953- 5
Rosenfeld, Gavriel David, 1967- 5
Samuel, Wolfgang W. E. 5
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980 5
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm) 5
Sturma, Michael, 1950- 5