Wellesley College. Center for Research on Women 106
Stone Center for Developmental Services and Studies 49
Doris F. Condon Library Fund (Wellesley College Library) 37
Women Make Movies (Firm) 32
Center for Reproductive Law & Policy 25
Criterion Collection (Firm) 20
Films for the Humanities (Firm) 19
Barnett, Rosalind C. 18
World Bank 18
Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681 16
Ruskin, John, 1819-1900 16
Colegio de México. Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios de la Mujer 15
Miller, Jean Baker 15
Carroll, Susan J., 1950- 14
Enloe, Cynthia H., 1938- 14
SpringerLink (Online service) 14
Swetnam, Joseph, fl. 1617 14
Cott, Nancy F. 13
Filmakers Library, inc 13
International Labour Office 13
Jordan, Judith V. 13
Lerner, Gerda, 1920-2013 13
Avy Lewis and Roberta L. Miller-Lerman Fund (Wellesley College Library) 12
Clinton, Catherine, 1952- 12
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935 12
Instituto de la Mujer (Spain) 12
Janus Films 12
Ruskin Collection (Wellesley College Library) 12
Scott, Joan Wallach 12
Vives, Juan Luis, 1492-1540 12
Wiesner-Hanks, Merry E., 1952- 12
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797 12
Baruch, Grace K. 11
Channel Four (Great Britain) 11
DuBois, Ellen Carol, 1947- 10
Durant Collection (Wellesley College Library) 10
EBSCOhost 10
First Run/Icarus Films 10
Hershatter, Gail 10
Inter-American Commission of Women 10
Irigaray, Luce 10
Kerber, Linda K. 10
Lepidus, D. L. 10
Lovenduski, Joni 10
Moghadam, Valentine M., 1952- 10
Pakington, Dorothy Coventry, Lady, d. 1679 10
Robertson, Claire C., 1944- 10
Sterne, Richard, 1596?-1683 10
Tucker, Judith E. 10
United Nations Development Fund for Women 10
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary 10
United States. Women's Bureau 10
Ware, Susan, 1950- 10
Ardener, Shirley 9
Astell, Mary, 1668-1731 9
Berkin, Carol 9
Colegio de México. Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios de la Mujer 9
Elbert Collection (Wellesley College Library) 9
Engel, Barbara Alpern 9
Fell, John, 1625-1686 9
Gelb, Joyce, 1940- 9
Hyrde, Richard 9
Lefkowitz, Mary R., 1935- 9
Marshall, Nancy L. 9
Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873 9
Pomeroy, Sarah B. 9
Rowbotham, Sheila 9
Televisión Española 9
Unesco 9
United Nations Development Programme 9
Warner Home Video (Firm) 9
American Association of University Women. Educational Foundation 8
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375 8
Bose, Christine E. 8
Burrell, Barbara C., 1947- 8
Fernea, Elizabeth Warnock, 1927-2008 8
Gilligan, Carol, 1936- 8
Hartmann, Heidi I. 8
Henchman, Humphrey, 1592-1675 8
Hewitt, Nancy A., 1951- 8
Howe, Florence 8
Jaquette, Jane S., 1942- 8
Kessler-Harris, Alice 8
McArthur, Judith N. 8
New York (State). Bureau of Women in Industry 8
Norton, Mary Beth 8
Perrot, Michelle 8
Ruether, Rosemary Radford 8
Staudt, Kathleen A. 8
Surrey, Janet L. 8
Beard, Mary Ritter, 1876-1958 7
Beecher, Catharine Esther, 1800-1878 7
Bennett, Judith M. 7
Berger, Iris, 1941- 7
Blair, Karen J. 7
Blau, Francine D. 7
Boris, Eileen, 1948- 7
Bourque, Susan Carolyn, 1943- 7
Bullfrog Films 7
California Newsreel (Firm) 7