SpringerLink (Online service) 83 Beren Family Jewish Studies Library Fund (Wellesley College Library) 21 Collier, Jeremy, 1650-1726 11 Avy Lewis and Roberta L. Miller-Lerman Fund (Wellesley College Library) 10 May, Larry 8 Patterson, David, 1948- 8 Battin, M. Pabst 7 Monroe, Kristen Renwick, 1946- 7 Murphy, Timothy F., 1955- 7 Nash, Thomas, 1567-1601 7 Preece, Rod, 1939- 7 ProQuest (Firm) 7 Singer, Peter, 1946- 7 Van den Hoonaard, Will. C. 1942- 7 White, Mark D., 1971- 7 Ann & Jean Burnstine Book Fund for Jewish Studies (Wellesley College Library) 6 Brennan, Jason, 1979- 6 Dean, Carolyn J. 1960- 6 Dickenson, Donna 6 Glowacka, Dorota, 1960- 6 Gostin, Lawrence O. 6 Harris, John, 1945- 6 Imber, Jonathan B., 1952- 6 Kizza, Joseph Migga 6 Kleinig, John, 1942- 6 Mitcham, Carl 6 Noddings, Nel 6 Sarat, Austin 6 Steiner, Gary, 1956- 6 Appiah, Anthony 5 Bernstein, Mark H., 1948- 5 Buchanan, Allen E., 1948- 5 Council of Europe 5 Coward, Harold G. 5 EBSCOhost 5 Eckert, Amy, 5 Goodin, Robert E. 5 Gregg, Benjamin Greenwood, 1954- 5 Kamm, F. M. 5 Kane, John, 1945 April 18- 5 Lang, Berel 5 Lauritzen, Paul 5 Lee, Steven 5 Levinson, Sanford, 1941- 5 Oxford Academic 5 Patterson, Eric, 1971- 5 Primoratz, Igor 5 Regan, Tom 5 Resnik, David B. 5 Roth, John K. 5 Thompson, Kenneth W., 1921-2013 5 Zamir, Tzachi, 1967- 5 Allhoff, Fritz 4 Arnett, Ronald C., 1952- 4 Badowska, Eva, 4 Bedau, Hugo Adam 4 Cheng, William, 1985- 4 Colwell, Chip 1975- 4 Coyle, Michael J., 4 Emanuel, Ezekiel J., 1957- 4 Finn, Daniel K., 1947- 4 Fisher, Jill A., 1976- 4 Gillroy, John Martin, 1954- 4 Gosson, Stephen, 1554-1624 4 Gunkel, David J. 4 Holbrook, J. Britt, 4 Horowitz, Daniel, 1938- 4 Keith-Spiegel, Patricia 4 Kekes, John 4 Kelly, Tobias 4 McMahan, Jeff 4 Miller, Seumas 4 Mitcham, Carl, 4 Oliver, Kelly, 1958- 4 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 4 Overall, Christine, 1949- 4 Parker, David, 1943- 4 Parmeggiani, Francesca, 4 Pogge, Thomas, 1953- 4 Porpora, Douglas V. 4 Prynne, William, 1600-1669 4 Reus-Smit, Christian, 1961- 4 Rhodes, Rosamond 4 Ross, Stephen David 4 Schweber, S. S. 4 Sennett, Richard, 1943- 4 Shapiro, Michael J. 4 Simpson, Bob, 1956- 4 Smith, Mick, 1961- 4 Steinbock, Bonnie 4 Thompson, Paul B., 1951- 4 Tong, Rosemarie 4 United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Reform. Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources 4 VanDeVeer, Donald, 1939- 4 Vernon, Richard, 1945- 4 Walzer, Michael 4 Widdows, Heather, 1972- 4 Ali, Saleem H. 1973- 3 Annas, George J. 3 Arbogast, Stephen V., 1948- 3