SpringerLink (Online service) 3,809 International Institute for Educational Planning 42 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 42 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 34 Unesco 28 Zajda, Joseph 28 National Society for the Study of Education 23 World Bank 23 Wellesley College. Center for Research on Women 22 Dewey, John, 1859-1952 21 American Educational Research Association 19 Centre for Educational Research and Innovation 19 International Bureau of Education 18 Ioannou, Andri 18 Ravitch, Diane 18 United States. Office of Education 18 United States. Congress. House. Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity 17 Zaphiris, Panayiotis 17 Peters, Michael A. 16 Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670 15 Huang, Ronghuai 15 Majhanovich, Suzanne 15 United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 15 Winckler, Marco 15 Giroux, Henry A. 14 Khine, Myint Swe 14 Kurosu, Masaaki 14 Stephanidis, Constantine 14 Depaepe, Marc 13 Dou, Qi 13 Gibbs, Paul 13 Lekadir, Karim 13 Popescu, Elvira 13 Roth, Wolff-Michael 13 Waghid, Yusef 13 Council of Europe 12 Feragen, Aasa 12 Freire, Paulo, 1921-1997 12 Giannarou, Stamatia 12 Glocker, Ben 12 Higgs, Joy 12 Linguraru, Marius George 12 Peterson, Paul E. 12 Schnabel, Julia A. 12 Tatnall, Arthur 12 Uden, Lorna 12 United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and the Workforce 12 Apple, Michael W. 11 Counts, George S. 1889-1974 11 Greenspan, Hayit 11 Guthrie, James W. 11 Kinshuk 11 Madabhushi, Anant 11 Pan, Zhigeng 11 Spector, J. Michael 11 Spring, Joel H. 11 Syeda-Mahmood, Tanveer 11 United States. Department of Education 11 Yamamoto, Sakae 11 lePetitLitteraire 11 Chang, Maiga 10 Cheok, Adrian David 10 Cheung, Simon K.S. 10 Dervin, Fred 10 Duncan, James 10 Ermolayev, Vadim 10 Huang, Yueh-Min 10 Liberona, Dario 10 Massachusetts. Department of Education 10 Mayr, Heinrich C. 10 Mousavi, Parvin 10 Rury, John L., 1951- 10 Salcudean, Septimiu 10 Smeyers, Paul 10 Spivakovsky, Aleksander 10 Taylor, Russell 10 Uhomoibhi, James 10 United States. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 10 Walker, Obadiah, 1616-1699 10 Burgos, Daniel 9 Cremin, Lawrence A. 1925-1990 9 Educational Policies Commission 9 Göbel, Stefan 9 Kandel, I. L. 1881-1965 9 Kincheloe, Joe L. 9 Liu, Dejian 9 Locke, John, 1632-1704 9 Lu, Zeguang 9 Ma, Minhua 9 Miesenberger, Klaus 9 Moe, Terry M. 9 Paulsen, Michael B. 9 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778 9 United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Indian Affairs (1993- ) 9 Vives, Juan Luis, 1492-1540 9 Whipple, Guy Montrose, 1876-1941 9 Williams, P. John 9 Altbach, Philip G. 8 American Association of University Women. Educational Foundation 8 Baalsrud Hauge, Jannicke 8