Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 58
United States. Bureau of the Census 30
International Monetary Fund 28
World Bank 23
Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks 19
World Health Organization 18
International Energy Agency 16
National Center for Education Statistics 15
Great Britain. Office for National Statistics 12
International Labour Office 12
United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics 11
United States. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service 11
Australian Bureau of Statistics 9
Inter-American Statistical Institute 8
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on National Statistics 8
United States. Bureau of Justice Statistics 8
United States. World Agricultural Outlook Board 8
Weiss, N. A. 8
Great Britain. Government Statistical Service 7
United Nations Development Programme 7
United States. Office of Educational Research and Improvement 7
American Chamber of Commerce Researchers Association 6
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 6
Freund, John E. 6
Great Britain. Central Statistical Office 6
New Strategist Publications, Inc 6
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Development Centre 6
Statistics Canada 6
United States. Agency for International Development. Office of Women in Development 6
Royal Statistical Society (Great Britain) 5
Statistique Canada 5
United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs 5
United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 5
Virginia. Auditor of Public Accounts 5
World Trade Organization 5
American Statistical Association 4
Association of College and Research Libraries 4
Bertelsmann Stiftung (Gütersloh, Germany) 4
Burd-Sharps, Sarah 4
Center for Disease Control 4
Chicago (Ill.). Comptroller's Office 4
China. Guo jia tong ji ju 4
Danmarks statistik 4
Dubin, Michael J. 4
Gallup Organization 4
Globerman, Steven, 1945- 4
Instituto de la Mujer (Spain) 4
Kosmin, Barry A. 4
Lewis, Kristen 4
Maddison, Angus 4
Massachusetts. Bureau of Health Statistics, Research and Evaluation 4
Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor 4
Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State 4
Mitchell, B. R. 4
Mitchell, Faith, 1952- 4
National Center for Health Statistics (U.S.) 4
Plunkett Research, Ltd 4
Population Reference Bureau 4
Poston, Dudley L., 1940- 4
Robinson, Matthew, 1970- 4
Scherlen, Renee G., 1962- 4
Secrist, Horace, 1881-1943 4
Tienda, Marta 4
UNESCO Institute for Statistics 4
United States. Bureau of Prisons 4
United States. Bureau of the Census, 4
United States. Energy Information Administration 4
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center 4
Wales. National Assembly 4
Wellesley College. Center for Research on Women 4
African Development Bank. Development Research Department. Statistics Division 3
African Development Bank. Economic and Social Statistics Division 3
African Development Bank. Statistics Department 3
African Development Bank. Strategic Planning and Research Department. Statistics Division 3
American Institute of Public Opinion 3
Asian Development Bank. Economics and Research Department 3
Association of Research Libraries 3
Astin, Alexander W. 3
Avakov, Aleksandr V. 1954- 3
Banque de France 3
Bowley, A. L. 1869-1957 3
CQ Press 3
Canadian Institute for Health Information 3
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 3
Chicago (Ill.). Department of Finance 3
City of London (England) 3
Clark, Grover, 1891-1938 3
Compton, D'Lane R. 1977- 3
Croxton, Frederick Emory, 1899-1991 3
Dex, Shirley 3
Dominican Republic. Dirección General de Estadística 3
Educational Testing Service 3
Eltis, David, 1940- 3
Energy Economics Research Limited 3
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 3
Ferguson, George Andrew 3
Frumkin, Norman 3
Gaskell, Jane S. 3
Great Britain. Welsh Office 3