Association for Computing Machinery 3
Marshall, David, 1963- 3
Minot, Sarah, 3
Alkier, Stefan 2
Boulad Ayoub, Josiane, 1941- 2
Bödeker, Hans Erich 2
Bryer, Jackson R. 2
Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute 2
Donato, Clorinda 2
Hays, Richard B. 2
Iacobucci, Frank 2
International Conference on Bear Research and Management 2
International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Coimbatore, India) 2
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions 2
International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. World Congress 2
Irvine, A. D. 2
Kim, Tai-hoon 2
Meynet, Roland, 1939- 2
Minnich, Nelson H., 2
Mohan S (Computer scientist), 2
Monsour, Daniel, 1958- 2
National Research Council Canada 2
National Tax Association 2
Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Department of English 2
O'Malley, John W., 2
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency 2
Otto, Adelheid, 2
Peacock, Kent A., 1952- 2
Phillips, Peter W. B. 2
Porter, J. M. 1937- 2
Prigozy, Ruth 2
Project on Nuclear Issues, 2
Reill, Peter Hanns 2
Root, Michael, 1951- 2
Società internazionale per lo studio della retorica biblica e semitica. Convegno 2
SourceOECD (Online service) 2
Suresh Kumar, S. (Electronics engineer), 2
Tuohy, Carolyn J., 1945- 2
University of California, Los Angeles. Center for 17th- & 18th- Century Studies 2
University of Ottawa. Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française 2
Wallot, Jean-Pierre, 1935- 2
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library 2
Woods, John 2
Zaikov, G. E. 1935- 2
ACITY 2011 (Conference) Chennai, India), 1
ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference 1
ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation 1
AMDO (Conference) Port d' Andratx, Spain) 1
APEC Roundtable Institute of Southeast Asian Studies) 1
ARCS (Conference) Munich, Germany), 1
ASEAN Roundtable Singapore) 1
Abadie, Ann J. 1
Adams, Michael, 1961- 1
Adeli, Hojjat, 1950- 1
Adogame, Afeosemime U. 1964- 1
Aguado, Marina 1
Alabama Symposium on English and American Literature University of Alabama) 1
Algonquian Conference 1
Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium Berlin, Germany) 1
Allart, Dominique, 1
American Anthropological Association. Annual Meeting 1
American Association for Artificial Intelligence 1
American Council on Consumer Interests. Conference 1
American Dairy Science Association 1
American Philosophical Association 1
American Philosophical Association. Central Division 1
American Schools of Oriental Research 1
American Society for Information Science and Technology. Annual Meeting 1
American Society of Animal Production 1
American Society of Animal Science 1
American Society of Civil Engineers 1
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers 1
American Society of International Law. Annual Meeting 1
Anastas, Misev 1
Anderson, Justin, 1
Anderson, Paul N., 1956- 1
Angosto-Ferrández, Luis Fernando, 1
Ao, Sio-Iong, 1
Archaeology of Inland Markets, Fairs, and "Productive" Sites (Conference) Oxford, England) 1
Argyres, Philip C. 1
Armgardt, Matthias, 1
Asian Conference on Computer Vision Taejŏn-si, Korea) 1
Asian Regional Conference on the Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection Tokyo, Japan) 1
Assmann, Uwe, 1963- 1
Association of American Library Schools. Meeting 1
Association of Research Libraries. Meeting 1
Astronomical Society of Australia 1
Astronomical Society of the Pacific 1
Auer, Martin, 1
Axford, John S. 1
Ayerbe, Nerea, 1
Ayuso Torres, Miguel, 1
Aznar Soler, Manuel, 1951- 1
Bahcall, John N. 1
Bain, Lisa J., 1
Baker, Leslie Scott, Jr., 1
Baratte, François, 1
Barbarism revisited Leiden, Netherlands) 1
Barchiesi, Alessandro 1