Taylor, John, 1580-1653 10 Cruikshank Collection (Wellesley College Library) 8 Durant Collection (Wellesley College Library) 8 Disraeli, Isaac, 1766-1848 6 L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704 6 Mathews, Charles, 1776-1835 6 Montell, William Lynwood, 1931- 6 Palma, Ricardo, 1833-1919 6 Ward, Edward, 1667-1731 6 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869 5 Boller, Paul F. 5 Canfield, Jack, 1944- 5 Cowley, Abraham, 1618-1667 5 Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878 5 Phillips, John, 1631-1706 5 Codrescu, Andrei, 1946- 4 Cook, Sam 4 Cruikshank, Robert, 1789-1856 4 Crutchfield, James A., 1938- 4 Dekker, Thomas, ca. 1572-1632 4 Elbert Collection (Wellesley College Library) 4 Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704 4 Liu, Yiqing, 403-444 4 Sacks, Oliver, 1933-2015 4 Smith, Peter, 1946 November 19- 4 Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 4 Burlingame, Michael, 1941- 3 Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680 3 Carpenter, F. B. 1830-1900 3 Cleveland, John, 1613-1658 3 Crow, Bill 3 Crump, J. I. 1921-2002 3 Dryden, John, 1631-1700 3 Fishkin, Shelley Fisher 3 Galeano, Eduardo, 1940-2015 3 Gmelch, George 3 Goldoni, Luca 3 Goodman Collection (Wellesley College Library) 3 Grabhorn Press 3 Hausted, Peter, d. 1645 3 La Sale, Antoine de, 1385?-1461? 3 Li, Jianxiong 3 Moore, Frank, 1828-1904 3 Nedham, Marchamont, 1620-1678 3 Oldham, John, 1653-1683 3 Spence, Joseph, 1699-1768 3 Trillin, Calvin 3 Winstanley, William, 1628?-1698 3 Abernethy, Francis Edward 2 Aboujaoude, Elias, 1971- 2 Acevedo, Luz del Alba 2 Adger Collection (Wellesley College Library) 2 Aloff, Mindy, 1947- 2 Amato, Joe, 1955- 2 Anderson, Reggie 2 Ann & Jean Burnstine Book Fund for Jewish Studies (Wellesley College Library) 2 Apthorp, William Foster, 1848-1913 2 Armour, Richard, 1906-1989 2 Athenaeus, of Naucratis 2 Ault, Charles R., Jr., 1950- 2 Avashia, Neema, 2 Avy Lewis and Roberta L. Miller-Lerman Fund (Wellesley College Library) 2 Baldwin, Joseph G. 1815-1864 2 Bancroft Library. Mark Twain Project 2 Beeman, Cynthia J. 2 Bellow, Gary 2 Beren Family Jewish Studies Library Fund (Wellesley College Library) 2 Birkenhead, John, Sir, 1616-1679 2 Boesch, Christophe 2 Bondeson, Jan 2 Bray, Julia, 2 Brod, Harry, 1951- 2 Bronner, Simon J. 2 Bruce, Alastair, 1947- 2 Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, 1628-1687 2 Burroughs, William S., 1914-1997 2 Carr, Bob 2 Chambers, Robert, 1802-1871 2 Chiu, Lisa Seachrist 2 Cohasset (Mass. : Town) 2 Cole, Terrence, 1953- 2 Cravez, Pamela, 2 Davidman, Lynn, 1955- 2 Davies, Humphrey T. 2 Delany, Sheila 2 Diffley, Atina 2 Disraeli, Benjamin, 1804-1881 2 Doris F. Condon Library Fund (Wellesley College Library) 2 Dormitzer, Jacqueline M., 1939- 2 Douglas, Diane, 1951- 2 Dregni, Eric, 1968- 2 Druger, Marvin 2 Dunton, John, 1659-1733 2 Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 2 Feng, Huimin 2 Feynman, Richard P. 1918-1988 2 Fournier, Edouard, 1819-1880 2 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1908-2006 2 Genis, Aleksandr, 1953- 2 Gilbreath, Aaron, 2